Q: Will you accept shipments for us?
A: For storage clients, yes. However, we do not have labor to handle large shipments. We certainly don’t mind putting one or two boxes or a rolling case in your locker. But if it’s more, we suggest you arrange for a labor call. If you are a rehearsal client, please have items shipped to arrive no sooner than the day before rehearsal. Your shipment may have to remain on the dock until you arrive. We are not responsible for items left on the dock or outside your locker.
Q: Does Soundcheck facilitate outbound shipments?
A: In a word, no. We keep a few airbills around and we can point the driver to your locker, but that’s about it.
Q: Can we leave our Truck and trailer at your dock?
A: Because our docks are shared by everyone rehearsing and storing, please have your trailer out of the dock after you’ve completed your load in. Unless previously arranged.
Q: Where can we park a bus and/or trailer?
A: We have a designated area for rehearsing client’s trailers/trucks/buses. Please contact the front office for directions.
Q: Do you have shore power?
A: Unfortunately we do not
Q: Do you allow overnight parking?
A: We do allow parking overnight, but do not provide security and parking is at one’s own risk
Q: What are the hours for a room day rate or lock out?
A: 9am to 11pm. We can accommodate hours past midnight, but it must be arranged in advance and it will be at overtime rates.
Q: What is your cancellation policy?
A: 48 hours on a single day or hourly rehearsal. 7 days for multi day rehearsals. We know you want to make sure you have space when you need it, but please be respectful. If you’ve held two weeks and a week out change it to two days, chances are slim we can rent that time.
Q: I want to rent a few hours every night for a week. Do I have to tear down each night?
A: No, just pay the day rate and you can stay set up all day. But if you only want to pay for the few hours of rehearsal, yes, you’ll have to tear down and remove your gear. This enables us to rent the remaining hours of the day.
Q: Do you supply an engineer for rehearsals?
A: Your room rate includes an engineer to get you up and running. Normally this should take 15 to 30 minutes. If you are using in-ears, doing a showcase or recording, you should bring your own engineer. We always have an engineer in the building for problems or consultation.
Q: Are their lights in the rehearsal rooms?
A: Just your everyday fluorescent. and daylight from skylights in building
Q: Can we bring lights?
A Room: Yes, but please schedule with us. We have 2 dedicated 100Amp circuits that need to be shared between audio and Lighting you are welcome to use as needed.
Q: Can we hang from the roof and if so, what are the weight limits?
A: No not at this time
Q: Does the room come with a drum kit?
A: No, however, we have a fantastic Backline Department that would just love to help you with your backline rentals.
In house rentals are half price.
Q: Can we shoot videos at Soundcheck?
A: Yes, but please let us know in advance
Q: Can we use fog?
A Room : yes but during any use of a fog machine the room AC or Heater must turned off.
Q: Can we have a Showcase at Soundcheck?
A: We are very picky about Showcases. To protect the privacy of our clients, we only allow small, industry showcases. We do not allow showcases that are open to the public.
Q: Can we have a party at Soundcheck?
A: We love all of our clients and we hate to say no, but the answer is no. Again, we must protect the privacy and security of all of our clients.
Q: Do you sell equipment?
A: Occasionally, we have a pieces of gear that we’ll list on FBMP or other outlets. We may also have on display at the warehouse. Just ask us and we will let you know at the time if and what we have for sale.